Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano says the level of radiation detected about 20 kilometers from the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant does not pose an immediate health risk.
Edano was referring to a maximum radiation level of 0.33 millisieverts per hour detected by Japan's science ministry on Tuesday evening.
He told reporters on Wednesday that this level of radiation would not have a negative effect on human health even if one worked outdoors in the area for a period of several days.
Edano added that although people within 20 to 30 kilometers of the plant are being instructed to stay indoors, this does not mean people cannot enter the zone. He urged calm and called for delivery of supplies to the area.
Edano also said he has received reports that efforts have begun to spray water at the damaged plant, and he is hoping the cooling process would stabilize as soon as possible.
ΚΑΤΑΔΙΚΕΣ χωρίς αναστολή! 12 χρόνια στον ύπαρχο, 7 στον πλοίαρχο για το
θάνατο του Αντώνη Καργιώτη...
Σε κάθειρξη 12 ετών και 6 μηνών καταδικάστηκε ο ύπαρχος και 7 ετών και 5
μηνών ο πλοίαρχος για το θάνατο του 36χρονου επιβάτη Αντώνη Καργιώτη στις 5
Πριν από 25 δευτερόλεπτα
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