Παρασκευή 11 Μαρτίου 2011

Tsunami Hits Japan After 8.9 Megaquake

A 33ft tsunami has killed at least 19 people as it swept over Japan's northeastern coast after a 8।9 magnitude megaquake near the capital Tokyo.

The huge wave hit the port in the country's Sendai city, sending ships crashing into the shore and carrying cars and buildings through streets.

Mass evacuations are taking place after Tsunami warnings were issued for the entire Pacific coast.

And the tsunami set off by the quake is currently higher than some Pacific islands it could wash over, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said।

The earthquake has obliterated Tokyo's Disneyland car park and caused large fires at sites including an oil refinery in nearby Iichihara.

Large aftershocks continue to hit the capital, following an initial tremor so strong it was felt 1,500 miles away in the Chinese capital Beijing

Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan said there had been no nuclear plant radiation leak caused by the disaster.

But airports and ports have been closed and the Shinkansen 'bullet' train stopped।

Millions of homes are without power and Tokyo's fire department reported several people were injured when a roof caved in at a graduation ceremony in the city.

A hotel has collapsed in Sendai, with people feared buried in the rubble।

Among the countries issued with alerts from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii are Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hawaii and Australia.

Russia, South America, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas have also been put on alert।

Russian authorities on the fareastern Sakhalin Island and nearby territories have evacuated some 11,000 residents from coastal areas in anticipation of tsunami waves.

In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety after the tremor struck।

Google has launched a people-finder website for those in Japan worries about the whereabouts of friends and relatives.

People in Japan have been speaking of their terror as the sea of debris swept inland.

Experts say the earthquake is the world's fifth strongest since 1900.

The Japanese government's top spokesman, Yukio Edano, said the country was sending troops to the quake-hit area to join relief efforts।

TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo.

Police and coast guard officials said they were assessing possible damage from the quake।

Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday.

A megaquake is defined as one exceeding seven on the Richter scale.

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